Thursday 6 December 2018


The head of the city’s Taxi and Limousine Commission on Tuesday urged the state to halt its congestion-pricing plan, citing serious concerns about the fact that it only targets for-hire vehicles.

It was the first time TLC Commissioner Meera Joshi spoke out publicly against the plan, which takes effect next month and caused hundreds of taxi drivers to swarm a TLC meeting last month to testify that it was going to be another nail in the coffin of the industry and will lead to more suicides.

Joshi agreed that the plan — which will add a surcharge to all rides that for-hire vehicles take below 96th Street in Manhattan — will hurt both drivers and riders.

“With so many questions left unanswered, I think the sensible thing is to postpone this until there is a comprehensive congestion-pricing plan,” Joshi said.

She added that there is no evidence that the surcharge will quell congestion in the cramped borough.

“Will it actually deter people from bringing their personal cars in, or will the price of for hire vehicles and taxis be higher now which will encourage people to bring their personal cars in?” she said.

Joshi made her comments at an unrelated TLC hearing.

TLC board member Nora Marino agreed to Joshi’s opposition to the current congestion-pricing plan and vowed to help put a stop to it.

“I’m horrified by the whole idea,” she said. “For the state and the legislature to blame congestion on taxis is absurd in light of the high volume of people shopping online and delivery truck and bus lanes and bike lanes. How you can possibly pin this on taxi drivers is ridiculous.”

The state passed a truncated congestion-pricing plan earlier this year that created a surcharge for all for-hire rides starting in January. It will cost an extra $2.50 for taxis, $2.75 for Uber, Lyft or other black cars and 75 cents for app ride-shares.

Congestion-pricing advocates had hoped that private vehicles would also be subject to fees, but the state Legislature didn’t pass that version. The advocates are still banking on it happening in 2019.



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