Sunday 12 February 2017


CABBIES claim they are at breaking point and at risk of losing their homes after the Victorian government made the decision to shake up the taxi industry.

Taxis caused traffic pain during peak hour this morning as a convoy drove slowly across Melbourne’s Bolte Bridge in protest of the Victorian government’s plan to buy back taxi licences and legalise ride sharing service Uber.
Protesters in front of the parliament station in Melbourne protesting the government's taxi license buyback scheme.

Taxi licences are being bought back by the government to deregulate the taxi industry and introduce a single registration for taxis, hire cars and ride-share services.

The government will pay taxi drivers $100,000 for their first licence and $50,000 for up to three others.

But licence holders say the compensation is unfair and will lead to financial ruin, with many cabbies paying up to $500,000 per licence.

“The government can dismantle the industry if they choose, but we as licence holders should not have to pay the price for industry reform,” the group’s spokeswoman, Linda De Melis, told ABC 774.

“We are at breaking point, people are losing their homes, and it’s that level of desperation that has driven us to this point today.

“Currently the government is seizing our licences for zero in return.”

Social media commenters said the manner of the drivers’ protest would people off taxis because it disrupted their morning commute.

“Because this is the way to go about this. Piss off the public that use you. You had a chance to better your service and did nothing,” Brett Goatley posted, with a hint of sarcasm.

Others have complained the Melbourne taxis never show up on time and are too expensive, but some have supported the cabbies’ protest and said “good on them”.


MyTaxi is 'beta' testing in DUBLIN.

The transition between HailO and MyTaxi is expected to be smoothly handled.