Friday 21 March 2014

Uber arrive in Manchester.

This one came in under the radar.

Uber have arrived in Manchester, they are up and running, they are recruiting Manchester's Top PH drivers.

Do they need a PH operators Licence ? Around the Country they do. They have been granted a Operators licence in London. In Manchester anyone can do anything they want, there is no enforcement and Manchester nearly always deny any offence has taken place.

The new Deregulation Bill which is being steam roller-ed through may mean they only need the London Licence to trade all around the Country.

The Taxi trade needs to worry, obviously. However Manchester's best PH Companies need to worry also. 

The best PH drivers, and to be honest there are many in Manchester. Those drivers now have the opportunity to save £120 plus Radio rent every week. They also get the chance to take only 'Blue Chip' customers.

The poorer work, supermarket free phones, pi**heads from Pubs  etc, can be left to the Local PH Companies and the rubbish drivers that are left behind in the rush.

Interesting times and, an explanation of the rush to pass the Deregulation Bill.

Where next for UBER; my guess and its only a guess, would be our Metropolitan neighbors, Liverpool and Leeds. To my colleagues over there, watch out lads. !

For those of you who thought we took our eye of the ball.

Uber are doing nothing wrong. They received their Manchester's Operator's Licence on Friday afternoon and they launched Friday Night.

They had at least 30 vehicles on £10 per hour , plus one third.

They have shed load's of money. They were sh*t hot. 

This is a game changer.

1 comment:

  1. Please feel free to use my referral link

    will give you £10credit

    Then click Promo and enter code ManchesterLaunch for an extra £20credit.

    Uber Manchester offering very competitive pricing

    £1.50 Base Fare then £1.30 per mile

    this compares very favourably to London pricing.

    £3base fare then £1.75 per mile.

    but you knew london was a ripoff ;)
