Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Rosendale Hackneys, working as PH cars in other Manchester.

Burnley is the nearest Town to Rawtenstall, the administrative Town of Rosendale.

Burnley has 41 Hacks and 287 PH Cars. A total of 328 vehicles. Burnleys population is 75000 (2001 census.).

Burnley has a ratio of 229 head of population for each licensed vehicle in the Town.

Rawtenstall has a population of 22000, (2001 Census). Rawtenstall's population, at the same ratio as Burnley, could be served by 96 licensed vehicles.

Rawtenstall has at least 780 licensed vehicles. (775 HC plus 5PH).

Why so many ? Obviously 88% of Rosendale vehicles do not work there.

This week Rosendale Hackney no 775, was pictured working on Supa Cars, South Manchester, this plate was issued on 5 August, there may be even more now.

Manchester has 1090 hackneys, very soon, there will be more out of Town hackney's working in this City, than Manchester Licensed hacks.

This may be very close already when we factor in all the other vehicles (from 9 other authorities) already working in the City.

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