Sunday 15 February 2015


On Monday 9 Feb, Manchester Licensing Sub Committe voted to remove advert's from all Hackney Vehicles.

They also voted to remove Radio Company Logo's from the same vehicles. This was no doubt in response to the fact that Mantax, the Cities oldest Hackney radio circuit had started putting identicle Logo's on Hacks from surrounding  Towns.

The Sub -Committee also voted to make all the Hackney fleet go 'Back to Black'. That means all Hackney's being presented for test for the first time had to be Black in Colour.

This Policy or Condition change does not suit everybody, in particular three advertising Agencies which control the vast majority of the Cities Cab advert's.

The Companies involved, Huge Media, Verifone and Ubiquitous are alleged to be launching an appeal against this decision.

The man , alleged to be, fronting this appeal is Jeremy Sweeney of Ubiquitous. Mr Sweeney has had some success in the past with similar proposals in Edinburgh, (links attached)

The decision of the Council cannot be challenged on unreasonableness, but it can be challenged upon the lack of consultation.

The limited consultation that took part, was done online on a particularly poor Council website. The numer of respones from 1090 Hackney vehicles was only FIVE. The trade in Manchester are pretty apathetic, but the vast majority of the trade new nothing about this consultation. Therefore it cannot have been a meaningful consultation.

I would expect this is the route that any appellant would be likely to take.

Let us see what the week brings.

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